Source code for torchnet.utils.resultswriter

import pickle

[docs]class ResultsWriter(object): '''Logs results to a file. The ResultsWriter provides a convenient interface for periodically writing results to a file. It is designed to capture all information for a given experiment, which may have a sequence of distinct tasks. Therefore, it writes results in the format:: { 'tasks': [...] 'results': [...] } The ResultsWriter class chooses to use a top-level list instead of a dictionary to preserve temporal order of tasks (by default). Args: filepath (str): Path to write results to overwrite (bool): whether to clobber a file if it exists Example: >>> result_writer = ResultWriter(path) >>> for task in ['CIFAR-10', 'SVHN']: >>> train_results = train_model() >>> test_results = test_model() >>> result_writer.update(task, {'Train': train_results, 'Test': test_results}) ''' def __init__(self, filepath, overwrite=False): if overwrite: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({ 'tasks': [], 'results': [] }, f) else: assert not os.path.exists(filepath), 'Cannot write results to "{}". Already exists!'.format(filepath) self.filepath = filepath self.tasks = set() def _add_task(self, task_name): assert task_name not in self.tasks, "Task already added! Use a different name." self.tasks.add(task_name)
[docs] def update(self, task_name, result): ''' Update the results file with new information. Args: task_name (str): Name of the currently running task. A previously unseen ``task_name`` will create a new entry in both :attr:`tasks` and :attr:`results`. result: This will be appended to the list in :attr:`results` which corresponds to the ``task_name`` in ``task_name``:attr:`tasks`. ''' with open(self.filepath, 'rb') as f: existing_results = pickle.load(f) if task_name not in self.tasks: self._add_task(task_name) existing_results['tasks'].append(task_name) existing_results['results'].append([]) task_name_idx = existing_results['tasks'].index(task_name) results = existing_results['results'][task_name_idx] results.append(result) with open(self.filepath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(existing_results, f)